A custom configuration
Explore sample configurations and explaination on how we manage our log
If you want to use a custom configuration you can just initialize your Tentacle in this way:
Yeah, but how the YAML looks like?
Here a quick look at default_configuration.yaml
Configuration management
Tentalog aims to grant the user the same configuration flexibility of the pure logging module, with the benefit of the usage of the YAML format to allow change tracking and having an overview of the current configuration at glance in a human-readable format.
Currently there are a few main keys for the logging configuration:
The version key allows to update the current file versione whenever is needed. For example you could want to update the version at each tag or at each commit, based on your versioning workflow. It's a plain number and is configured like this:
This key is a parameter required by the logging module whenever a file configuration is used. It will cause any non-root loggers existing before the current configuration with file to be disabled unless they or an ancestor are explicitly named in the configuration.
In order to pursue retrocompatibility, the advice is to set this parameter to false, but feel free to set your own value.
This section is a map where any key is a formatter object with its own format. Here you can create all the formatters you need in your loggers. Here an example:
Choose wisely which information to print with each formatter accordingly to which handler it will use it. If a specific format is too verbose could be need more resources to get stored/processed. On the other hand, if a format is too general, could not carry the right amount of information to get an overview of the current state.
This section is a map where any key is a handler object. You can configure each handler as map accordingly to the specific fields for each class in the logging module documentation
Here an example:
This is the section where you can define all your loggers. Let's start with an example:
As you can see, there are a few configuration parameters that allow you to create your loggers based on your handlers. You can declare a child logger by using the form parent.child where parent and child are the logger names. Remember that the root logger is the parent of all the loggers.
Be aware of the use of the propagate parameter. In fact, if set to True it allows a logger to propagate any received message to its ancestor's handlers. If the configuration is not properly defined, there could be a duplication of logs. Anyway, it's a powerful tool that could be used to create complex logging structures.
Tentalog comes with the coloredlogs library in order to give you the pleasure to distinguish all the information in the console output. It can be activated by declaring the block and setting the key active to true. It accepts a formatter. It should correspond to the formatter used for the handlers that will print the logs in console. Here is the example:
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