Explore sample configurations and explaination on how we manage our log
TentaLog is a logging library on top of the default logging library in Python.
We managed to integrate a simplier configuration-flow to ensure a quick integration in every app. You can configure your logging with a YAML file. A simple and light weight logging configuration is provided by default. We brought in this library our logging best practices ready to use with the default configuration.
The Tentacle is the single unit of TentaLog, managing a single logger. To start logging with tentacle you can follow the quick-start guide on GitHub. This code will use the tentalog default configuration, that contains the configuration of two logging handlers, one for the console and one for a time based file rotation of 15 days. If the "mylogger" logger is not found in configuration, the "root" logger will be used and a warning message will be showed. If the name of the logger is not specified, the "root" logger will be used. If you want to use a custom configuration you can just initialize your Tentacle in a similar way with a YAML file.
We decided to release TentaLog as an open source project, in fact you can check and improve the code yourself: https://github.com/nextblu/tentalog
Learn how to use TentaLog in matters of second.
TentaLog has been designed to be used immediately after installation. We propose a basic configuration always available in order to have a logging system in few seconds.
The Tentacle is the single unit of TentaLog, managing a single logger. To start logging with tentacle you can do something like this:
This code will use the tentalog default configuration, that contains the configuration of two logging handlers, one for the console and one for a time based file rotation of 15 days. If the "mylogger" logger is not found in configuration, the "root" logger will be used and a warning message will be showed. If the name of the logger is specified, the "root" logger will be used.